• Quality

    DIN EN ISO 9001:2015-certificated

    Gummivogt Zertifikate


Certified quality: GUMMIVOGT has set up an externally verified and certified quality management system for the manufacture and sale of its moulded rubber parts.


CertEuropA GmbH confirms that the company

A. Vogt GmbH & Co. KG
Weberstraße 7, 59757 Arnsberg, Germany

has introduced and applies a quality management system for the production and sale of technical rubber moulded parts.

An audit proved and documented in a report that this quality management system meets the requirements of the standard DIN EN ISO 9001:2015 and is suitable for achieving and maintaining the quality policy objectives to which reference is expressly made.

This certificate is valid from: 01.10.2023
This certificate is valid until: 30.09.2026

Certificate number: 59757/08-23_a

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