Fields of Application and Ways of Using Rubber Bumpers
Rubber bumpers from GUMMIVOGT are used in a string of applications and especially in mechanical engineering, electronics and the automobile industry. Their main function is to absorb the kinetic energy of objects and, in the process, to effect damping. Typical ways of using rubber bumperss are as bumpers stops or as bumpers for damping oscillations in , for instance, doors, gates and flaps. You will find GUMMIVOGT rubber bumpers used everywhere as the damping element where components are subject to vibrations or movements.
The properties of the rubber used reliably absorb the kinetic energies arising and thus stop their transfer onto other sections. Another effect from using rubber bumpers is close ports and screw fittings in a precision and optically pleasing manner. The diversity of applications for rubber bumpers is, of course, accompanied by a wide range of different designs. GUMMIVOGT is your contact for all questions surrounding the design, application field and quality features of rubber bumpers.

Rubber bumpers – Quality and service life
Various applications of the rubber bumpers mean that they are subjected to widely differing load/stresses and atmospheric influences. Therefore, it is vital to turn to high-grade quality when selecting the rubber bumpers. To maintain for as long as possible the service life and thus the protective and absorption effect of the rubber bumpers, an analysis of the anticipated effects on them is indispensable. These effects include UV radiation, liquids, gases, both varying and extreme temperatures as well as the most diverse of mechanical loads which the rubber bumpers may be subjected to. The greater the precision in anticipating the loads to come, the easier it is for the rubber bumpers material properties to be adapted to them. In this way, the service life and protective effect of the rubber bumperss can be retained for as long as possible.
The following hold good when using rubber bumpers:
Basic material quality and processing impact decisively on the service life and reliability of the products. Whilst inferior product qualities are often invisible to the naked eye, they soon reveal their weaknesses in operations with possible fatal consequences, as a result. In manufacturing its rubber bumpers, GUMMIVOGT thus sets its sights very much on unswerving quality and a Made in Germany in-house production. Rubber bumpers from GUMMIVOGT are made throughout of a maximum EPDM quality. The material is UV and ozone-resistant and useable at temperatures between -40° C and +130 °C. Rubber bumpers of the most varied of designs and hardness settings are available even in the standard delivery programme. Custom-order designs in economical batch sizes are also possible.